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Turner of the hearts..

I don't know who will be my soulmate, but I want him to be obedient to Allah. He should be patient because I will make him desperate with my childish-adult moody character. I want him to always support me. I want him to love my parents and my sisters because they are everything to me and I'll love his parents and siblings too. Please don't shout at me, don't be angry, I can't stand with it. I want him to swallow his pride to say sorry and thank you. Be gentle. If we face a problem, please keep husnudzon to me, we can solve it together. By the way, I am anime and korean movie watcher, so I want him to be romantic like in the movie. Give me flower, give me ring, candle like dinner haha. Do not be romantic to other women (even It's just kidding), I will be jealous. Don't commentate me after go shopping, just smile at it :) I will manage financial well, trust me. I and he will visit my family and his properly. Sometimes, let me hang out with friends and do skin-care :) Please eat everything I cook. I can't touch garlics and onions because my allergy, so he should peel them for me :D I want him loving football because I don't like the guys whom dislike football. Please do sport too. Keep telling everything to me. Do not keep a secret except a surprise :D I want him to stand by me and take care of me when I am sick. I want him to be the real gentleman, he should fix everything in the house and help me to do household activities. I really rely on him. With mitsaqon ghaliza, together we can prepare to Jannah :) 

"Dear my future man, I don't know who you are, but I am gonna love you so much because the entire universe conspire to help me find you."


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