Aku sering jadi MC atau moderator. Baik acara non-formal atau pun acara formal. Tapi kali ini beda. Aku diminta jadi MC Stadium General tingkat Fakultas yang pembicaranya adalah Profesor dari Spanyol, Prof. Santiago Gomez-Ruiz. Partner MC ku kali ini adalah kakak tingkat dan pernah jadi finalis Putri Solo. Aku dan kakak tingkatku harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam acara ini. Ya iyalah, soalnya kan pembicaranya ga bisa bahasa Indonesia. Wow. Lengkap sekali momen penting ini ya. Sebelumya aku juga pernah jadi MC berbahasa inggris, tapi selama kuliah baru kali ini. I swear, it's really a big deal for me. Spesial banget. Nah, aku dan kakak tingkatku bikin kata-katanya secara umum. Bagi teman-teman yang membutuhkan text MC dalam bahasa Inggris mungkin bisa mengambil contoh di bawah ini :)
Salaam (optional)
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to....
Honorable speaker
Honorable the dean of faculty of mathematics and natural sciences
Honorable all lecturers and staff of chemistry departement
And also the audiences
First of all, let’s thanks to our God, who has given us time without any troubles and obstacles.
At this special ocassion, we thank for the time given to us. We appreciate to all the audiences who join this event and we are sure that we will get benefit in joing this activity. Well, we are as MC, we will guide you at this stadium general by theme "........."
The first agenda is opening. Let’s start this agenda by reading basmallah together.
Second agenda is greetings. the first greeting is from dean of faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, to Mr............ the floor is yours. Thank you very much for the speech. Please, take a seat.
The next agenda, the main agenda which we are waiting for, explanation from the speaker. But in this agenda there are a moderator who will guide us in this session. Let us read the curriculum vitae....
Well, to Mr........ the floor is yours.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen. That’s all the agenda for today. We hope to get benefit and know the application of nanoparticle in our life. Thank you for your nice attention and as the MC, if we had mistake in guide the agenda, please forgive us.
See you in the next ocassion.
Salaam (Optional)
Kalau ada yang salah tolong dikoreksi ya :)